How To Use Finish Line Caulk
Cut the tip just enough to allow the Finish Line Caulk Tool to thread into the tube.
Set Up
Place desired caulk into standard caulking gun.
Open caulk tube, cutting 1/2" - 1 " from the tip. (Cutting distance may vary depending upon caulk type. Caution: If you cut the caulk tube too far the Finish Line Caulk tool may not seal properly)
Puncture caulk tube if necessary, without pushing any caulk out.
Twist the Finish Line Caulk tool into the opened caulk tube.
Screw the syringe onto the Finish Line Caulk tool and use the caulk gun to fill the syringe.
Depress caulk gun until the caulk just reaches the top of the Finish Line Tool to eliminate any air. Wipe any excess caulk from the tip.
Twist empty syringe onto the Finish Line Caulk Tool. *(Make sure syringe is empty of air, with plunger fully pushed down.)
Slowly pump caulk gun until the syringe is full. *(It is recommended you do not fill past 1oz line.)
Syringe is now ready for dispensing or storage!
To store caulk leave the Finish Line Caulk tool in the caulk tube. Remove syringe and cover with blue cap.
Use the dispensing needle to easily fill nail holes and small gaps.
Dispensing and Syringe Storage
Using scissors, cut gray dispensing tip to desired size and screw onto end of syringe.
Depress plunger to dispense caulk from syringe onto desired area.
Pull back on plunger to stop flow.
For easy storage remove and clean gray dispensing tip with a toothpick.
For best results store the syringe full.
Cover syringe with cap for easy future use.
Finish Line Caulk Tools are proudly manufactured in the USA!